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Bid Classification: 
Bid Type:  RFP
Bid Number:  2024-PW-23
Bid Name:  Fire Station #1 Replacement, Design, Engineering and Construction Liaison Services
Bid Status:  Open
Published Date:  Mon Nov 25, 2024 4:00 PM (EST)
Bid Closing Date:  Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:00 PM (EST)
Question Deadline:  Wed Jan 8, 2025 10:00 AM (EST)
Electronic Auctions:  Not Applicable
Language for Bid Submissions:  English unless specified in the bid document
Submission Type:  Online Submissions Only
Submission Address:  Online Submissions Only
Public Opening:  No

online submission ONLY

Purpose of the Project

Fire Station 1, located at 177 Highway 20 W, a 30-year-old facility, located in Pelham that the Fire Department has outgrown. Fire Station 1, as it exists today, was substantially completed in 1982, however the grand opening was held on March 5, 1983, to coincide with the 60th anniversary of the Fire Department in Fonthill.

The 42-year-old Fire Station is approximately 790m2 (8,500ft2) in area. The building contains a garage area utilized for firefighting apparatus and bunker gear storage, training room/banquet hall, offices, storage areas, a lounge, 2 washrooms containing a small shower in each, and a kitchen. Neither of the washrooms are accessible for those with mobility impairments, nor do they provide privacy for the volunteer fire fighters to shower or change. Fire Station 1 is the headquarters for 40 volunteers and provides office space for 6 full time employees including Fire Services and By-law staff. In 2023, volunteers from Fire Station 1 responded to 327 calls for emergency service.

A replacement Facility is required as it is undersized for its intended use and requires significant capital investment for repairs. The existing property is 0.56 ha in size, and has a Niagara Region owned EMS facility and elevated water tower behind it to the north. Therefore, the Right-of-Way will have to be open and maintained for access throughout. The current location of Fire Station 1 has been determined as being the prime location, and therefore the new facility is to be constructed in the same location. Given that Fire Station 1 is the only station that serves Fonthill, it is to remain operational during construction. 

The purpose of this assignment is to partner with the successful proponent to undertake the design of the new facility, generate engineering drawings and details, and provide construction liaison services for the replacement of the new Fire Station 1 Facility, complete with a detailed design including site plan and floor plans, and a Class A cost estimate for the construction of the facility. The design and engineering component should consider all accessibility standards (AODA), regulations, staff accommodations, and equipment accommodations. Interviews with Fire & Protection Services and Public Works to take place early in the study to ensure the successful proponent has a full understanding of the requirements of the project.

It is intended that this building is to be designed and specified in such a way that they can withstand abuse with minimal repair and maintenance. Careful selection of materials will be required to achieve this goal. A balanced approach has been taken to ensure energy efficiency, building longevity and cost-effective construction methods and materials are utilized.

The new Fire Station Facility is anticipated to be approximately 13,000 square feet, including approximately 6,500 square feet of truck bay space, consisting of Five bays, (2 drive-through bays) to accommodate Four (4) apparatus including a Front-line Engines, Tankers, and Rescue vehicles. Additionally, the design will include office and meeting space, a fully serviced commercial kitchen and lounge, fitness room, storage area, and decontamination facilities.  Further, the overall site improvements shall account for; site servicing (water, sewer, etc.), storm-water management, grading plan, parking requirements, landscaping of affected lands, and overall public access to the site. The design also requires the building to function as a Post Disaster Building and an Emergency Operations Center (EOC). Although LEED certification is not a requirement, the latest technologies in building efficiency and sustainable design are requested.  Life cycle costing and environmental impact of the completed facility will be analyzed throughout design.



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  • Facilities, Redevelopment, Trades, Machinery, Construction, Architectural or Engineering

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